
To check which schools serve an address below, ENTER ONLY THE STREET NAME (do not include house # in search box):


For best results:

  • Enter part of the street name (ie. Rich for Richmond);
  • Do not include the street type (ie. Ave, Blvd, Cres) or abbreviations in the street name;
  • Incorrect spelling or punctuation may result in no search results or an error in schools;
  • Select the correct Street Name from the menu list;
  • Confirm and select the correct municipality (ie. City/Town) from the search results;
  • Confirm and select the correct house number within the range of search results. 

If no search results are found, please contact Admissions at 519-663-2088 to confirm the designated school for your address. Boundaries are subject to change/verification.  Should there be any discrepancy, the School Board shall make the final determination to confirm the designated school. The registration process begins at the designated home school.


DISCLAIMER:  The user agrees to view this information for general illustrative purposes only and accepts responsibility not to copy, modify or circulate the map information for any other purpose (ie. public or commercial).  The user agrees that the school shall confirm the school of attendance only when a completed registration application has been validated during the registration process.  The school board is not liable for any misuse, misinterpretation or decisions made by users of this information.


Any students who are new to LDCSB and live in the SAB boundary will register for Mother Teresa, unless they have a sibling currently attending SAB.

  1. A
  1. B
  2. Find My School
Show a list of all schools in the London District Catholic School Board

Search Hints

Perform a search by entering ONE of the following:

House Number

Will be asked for in the next step

Street Name

Start typing the name of your Street, then choose it from the list that appears.